For Questions Contact:
Dan Parker
Job Title
Fire Chief
- The Adelaide Metcalfe Fire Department is located at 27817 Kerwood Road in Kerwood. The phone number is 519-247-3333. In case of emergency, please call 911.
- The Adelaide Metcalfe Fire Department consists of:
- Fire Chief - Dan Parker
- 24 Volunteer Firefighters
- Part-Time Contracted Fire Prevention Officer
Smoke Alarms
- It is mandatory by law to have a working smoke alarm on each level of your home. Smoke alarms can be purchased for as little as $10.
- Your local fire department, and all fire departments across the province, have increased their public education efforts to ensure that homeowners are in compliance and will be enforcing the smoke alarm requirement. For homeowners, tenants and individual landlords, non-compliance with the Fire Code smoke alarm requirements can result in a $360 ticket or fine of up to $50,000 for individuals or $100,000 for corporations. When the Fire Department comes to inspect your home for working smoke alarms, it is not our intention to fine you, but to make sure that you are in compliance with the law, and that as a result your family is safe should a fire occur. Make sure to change batteries in smoke alarms once a year and replace the alarms every ten years.
- Make sure that you and your family have an escape plan with two ways out.
- It is also strongly recommended to have a carbon monoxide detector in your home.
- Should you have any questions, or require assistance with any of the above, please contact the Fire Chief
Open Burns
- When conducting open burns within the municipal boundaries of the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe, PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION in order that the balance of the ratepayers are not incurred a cost for one person’s carelessness.
- Prior to having a open burn, please contact Fire Chief and Fire Dispatch at 519-245-1300 or 1-844-220-1300 so that if reports are made, the Fire Department will not be sent out and the property owner will not be invoiced for the call.
- Open Burns By-Law
False Alarm Fire Calls
- As a reminder, false alarm fire calls from those establishments and residences with fire alarm systems or devices installed, will be invoiced to the owner of the system on an actual cost basis, which at the present time is $500.00 after three false alarm calls in the same year.
- 911 Cell Phone Callers - The Township of Adelaide Metcalfe Fire Department appreciates the help of cell phone callers assisting in emergency situations. However, it would be beneficial to all emergency agencies and the Community if you would stop and ask if emergency aid is required prior to calling 911. This will decrease the unnecessary callouts of all emergency agencies that may be needed at other emergency situations.
Barn Safety
Emergency Preparedness
- The Township’s Emergency Plan is designed as a generic plan to respond to a variety of emergency situations. It is not meant to anticipate every possible risk, but to develop systematic procedures that will provide an effective response both to the foreseen and unforeseen emergency.
- The Township’s Emergency Plan is designed to work in co-operation with, other municipal plans, and with upper tiered Government Emergency Plans like Emergency Management Ontario (EMO).
- The Township of Adelaide Metcalfe Emergency Plan
- Emergency Preparedness Guide - for People with Disabilities/Special Needs (Province of Ontario - Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management)
- Is your Family Prepared? 72-Hours Emergency Planning Presentation
Recruitment & Training
The Fire Department is not recruiting at this time.
Fire Department Fees & Charges
For current Fire Department Fees & Charges, please refer to our Fees & Charges By-Law (Schedule C)