For Questions Contact:
Morgan Calvert
Job Title
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
For all business inquiries, please contact Morgan Calvert - Chief Administrative Officer
Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Funding
- The Township of Adelaide Metcalfe has implemented a Township-wide Community Improvement Plan (CIP)
- The CIP provides a selection of financial incentive programs to encourage property or building owners to undertake improvement projects that are aligned with the goals and vision of the plan.
Adelaide Metcalfe Community Improvement Plan
Adelaide Metcalfe Community Improvement Plan - Background Report
- The CIP is funding on an annual basis through the Municipal Budget process
- Please note that not all of the financial incentives and funding mechanisms outlined in the CIP will be available every year
- The 2023 available programs and applications are expected to be outlined in early 2023
County of Middlesex - Invest in Middlesex
- The County of Middlesex Economic Development department works in collaboration with Adelaide Metcalfe, supporting the creating of new business, expansion of existing businesses and the attraction of companies into the County of Middlesex
- The site "Invest in Middlesex" has been created to assist existing and potential business with a variety of resources
- The Middlesex County Economic Development department can be reached at 519-434-7321 or by email at @email
Building & Planning
- Building Permit and Building Inspections are contracted through Municipality of Middlesex Centre in a Shared-Services Agreement
- Building Services are provided through a convenient online service (CloudPermit)
- Planning Services are provided through professional planning staff at the County of Middlesex
- Please refer to our Planning Services page for full Planning information, guides and planning applications.
Development Fees
Development Charges
- Please see Development Charges page for current fees.
Building Permit Fees
- Building Permit and Inspections are contracted through the Municipality of Middlesex Centre in a shared-services agreement
- Please refer to our current Building Fees By-Law - Schedule A Building Permit Fees
Business Resources:
Available Real Estate
- The County of Middlesex "Invest in Middlesex" page offers a searchable database of available commercial & industrial properties across Middlesex County. Searches can be narrowed to Adelaide Metcalfe. If you would like to list a property through this database, please contact Invest in Middlesex.
Business Directory
- The County of Middlesex "Invest in Middlesex" page offers a business directory across Middlesex County. You can register your business to be included in the directory by clicking on the Invest in Middlesex site.
Business Associations
- The Strathroy & District Chamber of Commerce is an independent membership funded, non-profit orgranization that represents Strathroy and Area business from the grassroots level
Small Business & Entrepreneurial Assistance (Business Help Centre)
Community Futures Middlesex - "The Business Help Centre" offers a variety of free business support resources as well as a potential funding source.