- In general, Adelaide Metcalfe Council Meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm
- Agendas are posted on the Thursday prior to the next meeting
Council Procedural By-Law (By-Law 83 of 2020)
Virtual Meetings (COVID-19)
- The Municipality utilizes online meeting software called Zoom to conduct remote meetings
- Meetings are normally streamed live to our YouTube channel. However, this may not always be possible due to technical difficulties, but the video recording will be available within 48 hours of the Council meeting.
Historical Meeting Minutes (Prior to May 2021)
- Adelaide Metcalfe moved to an online agenda system (eScribe) starting with the May 3rd, 2021 Meeting of Council
- To view historical minutes prior to May 3rd, 2021 please access our Historical Minutes page or request the document through the Municipal Clerk
- See calendar below to view upcoming and past meetings
- You can also view by using the eScribe portal link
- If you are experiencing online viewing of the agenda's please ensure your browser is up-to-date. The online agenda platform works best with the Google Chrome browser.