Development charges provide for the recovery of growth-related capital expenditures from new development.
The current Development Charges By-law provides for the growth-related capital cost recovery for four service components: services related to roads, fire protection, major studies, and parks and recreation. Development charges help the Township mitigate the additional growth-related costs from being passed on to the taxpayer.
Development Charges Act, 1997
The new Development Charges Act, along with regulation O.Reg. 82/98, provides authority that is more restrictive for municipalities to impose charges for development. The new Development Charges Act:
- Limits the amount of capital costs to be included in calculating development charges by excluding certain services and by restricting others to only 90% recovery of the capital cost
- Imposes a quality and quantity standard for municipalities to ensure that capital projects do not exceed historic municipal expenditures and service levels
- Legislates certain exemptions from development charges (for example, 50% industrial expansion exemption)
Adelaide Metcalfe's Development Charge
Council passed Adelaide Metcalfe's current Development Charges By-law on November 7, 2022, with an effective date of January 1, 2023. This By-law covers the period to January 1, 2028.
Prior to Council approval of this new By-law, a background study was completed in accordance with the provisions of the Development Charges Act.
This By-law imposes residential development charges (calculated on the number and type of units and the number of bedrooms where applicable) and non-residential development charges (calculated per square ft. of the total floor area of the building) on all lands within the boundaries of the Township.
Development charges applicable to residential and non-residential development are calculated, payable and collected as of the date the building permit is issued.
For current residential and non-residential development charge rates, please refer to the Development Charges Brochure.
- Development Charges Brochure (2023)
- Development Charges Brochure (2024)
- Development Charges Brochure (2025)
Annual Treasurer's Statement
Middlesex County's Development Charge
The Township of Adelaide Metcalfe also collects development charges on behalf of Middlesex County. The background study, development charge by-law and the annual brochure outlining Middlesex County rates can be found on their website listed below: