- The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was passed by the Province in 2005. The purpose of the AODA is to make Ontario accessible for people with disabilities by January 1, 2025.
- The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, O. Reg 429/07 became law in January 2008. On July 1, 2011, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), O. Reg 191/11, came into force and built on the Accessibility Customer Service Standard.
- In July 2016, the IASR (O. Reg 191/11) was updated by the Province of Ontario. The IASR incorporates the Customer Service Standard so now there is only one regulation.
- The Township of Adelaide Metcalfe will promote accessibility by ensuring that compliance is met under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005 c. 11.
Commitment, Policies, and Procedures
The Township of Adelaide Metcalfe is committed to being responsive to the needs of all its residents and employees. In order to meet the needs of people with disabilities the Township will:
- Ensure policies, practices and procedures address dignity, independence, integration and provide for equal opportunity for people with disabilities.
- Allow people with disabilities to use their own personal assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from the services offered by the Township.
- Accommodate the accessibility needs of people with disabilities to ensure they can obtain, use or benefit from the Township's goods, services, and facilities.
- Communicate with people with disabilities in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability.
Middlesex County & Local Municipal Partners Joint Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2022-2027
Township of Adelaide Metcalfe Accessibility Policy
Accessibility Training Procedure
Accessibility - Service Animal in the Workplace Procedure
Accessibility - Support Person Procedure
Accessibility - Maintenance Procedure
Accessible Format or Communication Support Requests
- Upon request, the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe will make arrangements to provide accessible formats and communication supports to persons with disabilities.
Township of Adelaide Metcalfe - Request for Accessible Formats and Communication Supports Procedure
Temporary Service Disruptions
- If a temporary service disruption is planned, the Township will give notice of the disruption. Notice of the disruption will include: the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities or services, of any that are available.
Township of Adelaide Metcalfe - Temporary Service Disruption Procedure
Accessibility for Employees
- The Township is committed to an inclusive workplace in all aspects of employment activities, ie. recruitment, selection, orientation, and working conditions.
- As an employer, the Township strives to ensure that current and potential employees with disabilities are accommodated so they may fully participate in all aspects of recruitment and employment.
Emergency Plan
Should the Township of Adelaide Metcalfe be requested to provide a person with a disability a copy of its Emergency Plan or emergency procedures, the Township will take into consideration the communication needs of the person with a disability and endeavour to provide the information to the person in a format that takes into account the person’s disability.
Customer Feedback Process
- The Township welcomes public input as feedback which helps to identify areas where changes need to be considered and ways in which the Township can improve the delivery of goods, services and facilities.
- The Township strives to improve accessibility for our customers with disabilities and therefore we want to hear from you! To share your comments, questions, and suggestions about the provision of our goods, services and facilities to people with disabilities.
How to provide feedback to us:
Other Resources